Isekai Hiroyuki (ひろゆき、異世界でも論破で無双します, Hiroyuki: Invincible Pundit in Another World) is a Japanese web manga written by Takusu Totsuka, it was illustrated by Kengoro Nishide, and supervised by Hiroyuki. It has been serialized in "Tonari no Young Jump" (Shueisha) since July 8, 2022.
The story follows the adventures of Hiroyuki, the founder of the electronic bulletin board 2channel, who is summoned as a hero to an alternate world on the verge of extinction and uses his skill as the "Argument Breaking King" to defeat powerful enemies who appear one after another. The original author, Totsuka, made his commercial debut after his manga posted on 2channel was picked up by a compilation website, and commented at the start of the serialization, "I am happy to send Hiroyuki, the founder of 2channel, off to another world."
In addition, "Comic Alunna" (KADOKAWA/Media Factory), which was launched on July 13 at about the same time this work was serialized, serialized "Hiroyuki, Isekai demo Ronpa de Musou shimasu" (original story by Hachiki Takana, illustrations by Ugetsu Hatashima), which has a very similar concept. In a comment posted on Twitter, Totsuka said, "The same concept project was born in different places at almost the same time, and fortunately both were released to the world, which is confusing to everyone. "It is our understanding that this was a completely coincidental overlap of projects at multiple publishers.
After being transferred to another world, Hiroyuki defeats his opponents, whether they are humans or demons, and lives at his own pace, just as he does in the present world.
(Source: Kadokawa, translated)
A web manga written by Takusu Totsuka, it was illustrated by Kengoro Nishide, and supervised by Hiroyuki. It has been serialized in "Tonari no Young Jump" (Shueisha) since July 8, 2022.
No. | Original release date | Original ISBN | English release date | English ISBN |
1 | December 16, 2022 | 978-4046820280 | — | — |
2 | March 14, 2023 | 978-4046822796 | — | — |
3 | July 13, 2023 | 978-4046825209 | — | — |
In addition, "Comic Alunna" (KADOKAWA/Media Factory), which was launched on July 13 at about the same time this work was serialized, serialized "Hiroyuki, Isekai demo Ronpa de Musou shimasu" (original story by Hachiki Takana, illustrations by Ugetsu Hatashima), which has a very similar concept.
No. | Original release date | Original ISBN | English release date | English ISBN |
1 | November 17, 2022 | 978-4-08-892544-8 | — | — |
2 | August 18, 2023 | 978-4-08-892775-6 | — | — |
to be added.
External Link[]
- Isekai Hiroyuki ─ Manga official website
- Isekai Hiroyuki ─ Nico-Nico Seiga
- Hiroyuki, Isekai demo Ronpa de Musou shimasu ─ Manga official website
- Isekai Hiroyuki ─ Wikipedia JP
to be added.