Isekai Anime Koubou (異世界アニメ工房, Isekai Anime Studio) is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Shōnen Kakuro, it was serialized in Hōbunsha's manga distribution website COMIC FUZ from March 24, 2020, to December 28, 2021. It is a story about the growth of a young animator who is summoned to another world as a savior by his fellow animators and struggles alone with the help of an apprentice summoner and otherworldly creatures.
Aspiring anime director Miyo was just returning from her break to her anime studio where she encounters a mysterious sorceress girl from a fantasy world who accidentally transports her anime crew to another world. Now the sorceress has to make up for her mistake by helping Miyo out and summon different denizens from the fantasy world to fill in as Miyo's crew by working in her anime studio.
Publication Book[]
manga written and illustrated by Shōnen Kakuro, it was serialized in Hōbunsha's manga distribution website COMIC FUZ from March 24, 2020, to December 28, 2021.
Volume | Manga Vol. 1
Manga Vol. 2
Manga Vol. 3
Cover | |||
Released Date | March 1, 2021 | June 1, 2021 | February 1, 2022 |
ISBN | 978-4-8322-3808-4 | 978-4-8322-3829-9 | 978-4-8322-3889-3 |
to be added.
External Link[]
- Isekai Anime Koubou ─ Manga Official Website | Comic Fuz
- Isekai Anime Koubou ─ Wikipedia JP
to be added.