Hinamatsuri (ヒナまつり) is a Japanese seinen manga series written and illustrated by Masao Ōtake. It has been serialized in Enterbrain's magazine Harta, formerly known as Fellows!, from 2010 to 2020, and has nineteen tankōbon volumes as of August 12, 2020. The series is licensed by One Peace Books. An anime television series adaptation by Feel aired from April to June 2018. The story follows yakuza member Yoshifumi Nitta, who ends up taking care of a mysterious girl with telekinetic powers named Hina who inexplicably appeared in his apartment. The author, Otake, is from Tetsuya Saruwatari 's assistant. It was the first serialization for the author, the first book-making work, and the first animation work.
Hinamatsuri was serialized in Kadokawa's magazine Harta from 2010 to 2020, and has nineteen tankōbon volumes. English manga publisher One Peace Books has licensed the series for publication in North America.
While reveling in the successful clinching of a prized vase for his collection, Yoshifumi Nitta, a yakuza member, is rudely interrupted when a large, peculiar capsule suddenly materializes and falls on his head. He opens the capsule to reveal a young, blue-haired girl, who doesn't divulge anything about herself but her name—Hina—and the fact that she possesses immense powers. As if things couldn't get any worse, she loses control and unleashes an explosion if her powers remain unused. Faced with no other choice, Nitta finds himself becoming her caregiver.
To let her use her powers freely, Nitta asks Hina to help out with a construction deal, which goes smoothly. But while this is happening, a rival yakuza group covertly attacks his boss. To Nitta's shock, his colleagues later pin the blame on him! Tasked with attacking the rival group in retaliation, Nitta steels himself and arrives at their hideout. But suddenly, Hina unexpectedly steps in and helps him wipe out the entire group. As it turns out, Hina might just become a valuable asset to Nitta and his yakuza business, provided she does not use her powers on him first! And so the strange life of this unusual duo begins.
Bibliographic information[]
Hinamatsuri is written and illustrated by Masao Ōtake. It was serialized in Enterbrain's magazine Harta, formerly known as Fellows!, from June 15, 2010 to July 15, 2020. Its chapters were collected in nineteen tankōbon volumes. English manga publisher One Peace Books has licensed the series for publication in North America
- Released date July 15, 2011 - ISBN 978-4-04-727381-8
- Released date November 15, 2011 - ISBN 978-4-04-727629-1
- Released date March 3, 2012 - ISBN 978-4-04-727878-3
- Released date December 15, 2012 - ISBN 978-4-04-728603-0
- Released date July 13, 2013 - ISBN 978-4-04-729003-7
- Released date March 3, 2014 - ISBN 978-4-04-729497-4
- Released date September 13, 2014 - ISBN 978-4-04-729918-4
- Released date March 3, 2015 - ISBN 978-4-04-730270-9
- Released date September 14, 2015 - ISBN 978-4-04-730616-5
- Released date March 3, 2016 - ISBN 978-4-04-730931-9
- Released date September 15, 2016 - ISBN 978-4-04-734246-0
- Released date March 3, 2017 - ISBN 978-4-04-734422-8
- Released date September 15, 2017 - ISBN 978-4-04-734628-4
- Released date March 15, 2018 - ISBN 978-4-04-734835-6
- Released date September 15, 2018 - ISBN 978-4-04-735136-3
- Released date March 1, 2019 - ISBN 978-4-04-735356-5
- Released date September 14, 2019 - ISBN 978-4-04-735622-1
- Released date April 15, 2020 - ISBN 978-4-04-736111-9
- Released date August 12, 2020 - ISBN 978-4-04-736171-3
As mentioned above, "The Supernatural Girl Appears!" In the first episode of Volume 1 of the book is completely read. This was not stated in the magazine as the subtitle and the total number of stories, but the subtitle and the number of stories were added when the book was recorded. The first episode of the serialization started was "The World of Adults" in Volume 1, Episode 2, and this was described as "Episode 1" when it was published in the magazine. As a result, there is a "difference" between the number of stories in the book and that in the magazine, and the number of stories in the book plus one is the number of stories in the book (total number of stories including reading). rice field. Due to this adjustment, the magazine has "Episode 17" after "Episode 15", and after the 4th volume, there is no difference in the number of stories between the book and the magazine. In addition, the book contains several short short stories "EXTRA" that connect each episode and depict episodes as later stories. In Volume 16, the order of episodes 85 → 82, 82 → 83, 85 → 83 at the time of publication in the magazine has been partially changed, and EXTRA is absent. Volume 18 is a replacement of episodes 94 and 95 when it was published in the magazine.
Volumes 3, 6, 8, 10, and 12 were released at the same time as the Hinamatsuri, so the release date is different from the other Beam Comics label works released in the same month.
The main character of this work. She is a girl who has been blown away from the future. She used a powerful psychokinesis, and in the place (organization) where she was in front of her, her power was used in a good way for adults. She is a "masterpiece" according to Ikaruga, and although her psychokinesis is strong, she has difficulty in controlling, and she is prone to runaway, and she usually releases moderate power to prevent runaway. She used to blow her out of the city when she went out of control, which is why she was kicked out. She followed her organization with a device in her throat called a "collar," but she accidentally broke during a runaway. She has few words and she is always expressionless. She is selfish and Zubora, and she often pushes herself into a predicament with free-spirited words and deeds that do not read Nitta's intentions in her life of always playing, eating or sleeping, but on the other hand, she shows a breathtaking dialogue. Sometimes. At first, if he didn't listen to Nitta, he would hurt or threaten him with his supernatural powers, but he didn't want to get angry with Nitta and ran away or was afraid of being kicked out. The relationship gradually became like a normal parent and child, such as trying to get in a good mood and being reluctant to come on the day of the visit.
Nitta is called "Nitta" by his surname, but he is externally known as Nitta's daughter, and was transferred to Toyoshima Ward Watanabe Junior High School 1st grade 3rd group as "Nitta Hina". However, her actual age of chick is unknown. She often sleeps at school and has poor test scores. Her school lunch is the majority of her school fun. She also often has her in the classroom with her eyes, goodbye, Takashi, and Kengo. She ran for student council president, but she was elected secretary without hearing that her first grader could only be a secretary (of course, she thinks Hina himself was defeated as student council president). However, due to her innate Zubora, she never attends the student organization, and in the end she ends up with Hitomi taking her place. She is generally seen favorably both inside and outside school, she is liked by Utako, and she is like her real granddaughter to the Ashikawa group leader (her father). It is loved. She also has amicable relationships since Apricot, who was a thug of the organization, was defeated by Hina.
In the 10th volume of the book, she went on to Teibe High School, where there are many dropouts and defects, and her appearance has grown and his emotional expression has become richer than at the beginning. From the beginning of school, the lunch box got cold and I was absent from school because it was bad, and even after I went to school, I slept during class almost all the time, cooked rice in the classroom during class, etc. The lunch box can be used as a trigger. She has grown to some extent mentally, and she has been able to work part-time at a coffee shop, which she started to buy a new computer, without any problems. She is more accustomed to her than in middle school, as she continues to make a lot of money by working part-time at a cabaret club, pretending to be her supernatural power as a magic trick.
I wasn't interested in changing the future, but in the future when "Rock-John" was successful, I knew that I lived with Nitta and was devoting myself to VRMMORPG, so I formed Neo Central Park and tried to make "Rock-John" successful. do. At Neo Central Park, she uses his supernatural powers to reproduce Shiro's movements and play the guitar.
She is a glutton and likes high-class foods, especially salmon roe , but in reality she does not have the taste to distinguish between high-class and low-class products. She is a considerable gamer and plays a wide range of games such as retro games, handheld game, home video game, and PC game. She spares no effort for games, such as working part-time to prepare the environment for PC games and using his supernatural powers to avoid sleeping during class at a school specializing in games.
While moving Nitta with a lot of power, the technique of human body operation (including humanoid dolls) is improving, starting with the simple operation of Nitta alone, the delicate operation of Nitta alone, From multi-person operation, technical operation including cooking and cleaning, to automatic remote operation considering personality due to unconsciousness, to technical operation to perform perfect performance by multiple music bands (including myself). It's growing. She is also showing tremendous talent that makes use of his psychokinesis, such as feats such as replanting his own hair, making dolls that look exactly like Nitta, and performing wonderfully that the audience recognizes in music band operations.
《Gallery》 |
Hina can use telekinesis (Psychokinesis). She uses her ability frequently to help Nitta. Although she used it to threaten him at first, after she started attending middle school, it did not happen again. Her telekinesis is much stronger, other than the esper she meets in the series. The downside of being esper is that Hina can overload and begin to self-destruct, but she can take damage without nothing happen.
- the ability to move stuff and/or people just by thinking. Although it fundamentally only requires a thought to work, hand gestures can also help, especially if they make the user look focused.
- one of the most useful and straightforward, and in its more refined form, it allows the user to manipulate any object in a wide number of ways, not only the more intuitive lifting and moving around. Nevertheless, it is very rarely used up to its full potential, as almost every fight would become trivial if it ended with a telekinetic Neck Snap.
TV Anime[]
A 12-episode anime television series adaptation by Feel aired from April 6 to June 22, 2018. The series is directed by Kei Oikawa with Keiichirō Ōchi writing the scripts and Nippon Columbia producing the music. Rie Murakawa performed the opening theme song "Distance", while Yoshiki Nakajima performed the ending theme "Sake to Ikura to 893 to Musume" (鮭とイクラと893と娘, transl. "Salted Salmon, Salmon Roe, 893, and the Girl") as his character Yoshifumi Nitta. The second ending theme titled "Shashin Jō" (写真帖, transl. "Photo Book") by Yoko Ishida is used in episode 6, while episode 12 uses two ending themes: "Taisetsu na Hito" (たいせつなひと, transl. "Someone Important") by Haruka Chisuga and "Hajimete no Kimochi" (初めてのキモチ, transl. "First Time Feeling") by Ari Ozawa as her character Mao, respectively. Crunchyroll simulcast the anime, while Funimation streamed an English dub.
The project started around 2016, and the director, screenwriter, key animator, production company, etc. said, "My youth romantic comedy is still wrong. Continued" and "There is a problem with this art club!" The staff who made it are gathered. The script is written by Ochi, who is composed of the series, and the storyboard is written by director Oikawa. Dubbing started in December 2017 and finished dubbing until the final episode by April 2018.
As for the scenario composition, the episode that the original author Otake wants to put in is listed, then the episode that the director Oikawa wants to put in, and then the series composition and the script Ochi created the scenario. As the episodes mentioned at that time, Otake said that Hina in episode 7 runs for the student organization election, Mami in episode 8 appears, Concridrum can in episode 9, and "Blood and" in episode 11. "A man hungry for violence and money," Oikawa mentioned in episode 9 of Mao's uninhabited island.
In order to leave an impact that makes viewers who do not know the title of "Hina Matsuri" think "I want to see the continuation", the scene at the beginning of the first episode starts from the story of Mao three years later, and this scene is It is structured to connect to the B part of the final episode. Also, in the anime, when the characters express pain, it is promised to say "Aita". This is one of the gag elements to be incorporated into the production of the work directed by Oikawa.
The opening theme song "Distance" was produced from the director Oikawa's request, "I want to blur the song because it's a good song for the Hina Matsuri." Also, in the opening video, the chick always had a salmon roe bowl. This is due to the fact that salmon roe always appears on the cover of the original. However, it was difficult to put salmon roe in every cut, so poetry was put in the other cuts as a substitute, and in the opening and ending, the poetry disappeared as the story progressed.
According to the director Oikawa, "I thought that the strike zone to make the best use of the original is narrow because it is a surreal and interesting original," and in order to reproduce the atmosphere of the original, the script and storyboard - It was produced under the policy of always being concerned with the interval and tempo in each section of directing, editing, dubbing, and dubbing. The original author, Otake, talked about the workmanship of the animation, saying that he thought "The quality is really high, but is it okay?" And, the drawing of "Achimuitehoi" by key animator Tetsuya Takeuchi is mentioned.
No. | Title | Original air date |
1 | "Arrival of the Psychokinetic Girl!" Transcription: "Chō-nōryoku Shōjo Arawaru!" (Japanese: 超能力少女現る!) |
April 6, 2018 |
A mid-level Yakuza, Yoshifumi Nitta, relaxes at home when a large metal pod drops onto his head out of nowhere. After hitting a switch on the back, a naked girl emerges from the pod. Remembering nothing else except her name, Hina, she uses psychokinesis to threaten Nitta into buying her clothes and toys. Nitta soon realizes that he's become her de facto guardian. When Hina asks to enter school, Nitta offers to enter her in a nearby school if she stops using her powers. After an awkward introduction, Hina settles in to her new school. However, her power builds up too much and ends up exploding inside Nitta's apartment. Later, Nitta makes use of her powers to clear off a plot of land for his company. After the job is over, Nitta is called in by his Yakuza boss to take revenge on a rival group. He accidentally convinces Hina to do the job for him, as she uses her powers to wipe out the entire enemy office by herself. | ||
2 | "This is How You Have a Superpower Battle!" Transcription: "Chō-nōryoku Shōbu wa kō yanda yo!" (Japanese: 超能力勝負はこうやんだよ!) |
April 13, 2018 |
A blonde girl emerges from a similar pod as Hina, single-handedly taking down a street gang and stealing their leader's clothes. Nitta accidentally runs into her at a ramen shop and finds out that she has the same powers as Hina. With help from local homeless contacts, Nitta tracks down the girl, Anzu, and uses Hina to subdue her without further damage. Hina offers to hang out with Anzu one last time before she returns to the future, and the two stay over at Nitta's apartment. After saying goodbye, Anzu finds she can't return to her original time. Later, Nitta finds out that his favorite women have stopped asking him out as word has gotten around that he has a daughter (Hina). Annoyed at this shift, he starts going out more while leaving Hina with a can of mackerel for dinner. Hina, growing suspicious, asks her classmate Hitomi for help tracking him down, but keeps getting distracted. Hina ends up asking Utako for advice while Hitomi is accidentally pressed into service as a bartender by a drunken man. Utako and Hina return to the bar to find Hitomi serving drinks for multiple customers, including Nitta. The group then heads together to a nearby cabaret club and parties hard. The next morning, Nitta awakens to find a large invoice from the club. | ||
3 | "Hobo Life 101" Transcription: "Hōmuresu Seikatsu Nyūmon-hen" (Japanese: ホームレス生活入門編) |
April 20, 2018 |
Anzu finds herself hunted down by local shopkeepers for her shoplifting of food. A homeless man helps her escape her pursuers and teaches her how to live honestly at a local homeless encampment. Nitta stumbles across Anzu picking up cans for change, and offers her 40,000 Yen. She rejects it at first, but then accepts, hoping to help out her fellow homeless. However, Utako and the local shopkeepers catch her, and take most of the money for the stolen goods. At night, Hitomi secretly works as a bartender after being blackmailed by Utako. However, the bar's patrons have taken a liking to her drinks, including Hitomi's homeroom teacher and vice principal. Meanwhile, Nitta remarks that he'd love to have Anzu and Hina switch places sometime. The next day, Hina tries to clean the apartment to avoid her nightmare scenario, but her carelessness makes things worse. | ||
4 | "Disownment Rock n' Roll Fever" Transcription: "Kandō Rokkun Rōru Fībā" (Japanese: 勘当ロックンロールフィーバー) |
April 27, 2018 |
Upon finding his apartment trashed, Nitta disowns Hina and kicks her out. Hina blows through all her money and ends up spending the night with Anzu at her shack, but soon exhausts her patience as well until Anzu kicks her out three days later. Meanwhile, Utako and the rest of her regulars at the bar kick Nitta out for supposedly abandoning his daughter. Alone and lost, Hina is inspired by a local indie rock band to use her powers for street magic, and also helps the band explode in popularity. However, she decides to take her earnings with the group and leaves to buy Nitta a new vase as a peace offering. Later, Hitomi ends another day of bartending when she helps Anzu take in empty cans, and is introduced to her homeless lifestyle in return. Hitomi tries to keep up with the upbeat Anzu, but falls asleep standing up. | ||
5 | "Three Heads Are Better Than One" Transcription: "San-nin Atsumareba Monju no Chie o Uchiyabure" (Japanese: 三人集まれば文殊の知恵を打ち破れ) |
May 4, 2018 |
Anzu tries to find old TVs to sell to another homeless man. After striking out on a cart full of old CRT TVs, Anzu gets a reluctant Hina and Hitomi to help her. Hitomi gets caught by a policeman, while Hina asks Nitta for money to buy one. Eventually, the two manage to sell a TV each, with Anzu revealing that she wanted the money to buy a video game to play with Hina. Later, Hitomi's classmates spot Hitomi and then her homeroom teacher heading into a local bar. After gathering Hina and another friend of Hitomi, the kids try to find out the truth. After failed attempts to interrogate her at school, the group tails her to the bar and Aizawa gets her to confess to being a bartender in increasingly higher tones. | ||
6 | "Nitta-san Has a Dandy Dad" Transcription: "Nitta-san no Chichioya wa Dandi" (Japanese: 新田さんの父親はダンディ) |
May 11, 2018 |
Nitta gets called back home by his mother and sister to pay respects to his late father. However, after Hina answers the phone, Nitta comes up with an increasingly complex lie to explain her presence. While drinking with his family, Nitta lets slip the time he kicked Hina out of his home, and decides to admit that Hina is his daughter. Meanwhile, the homeless encampment is about to be demolished by the local government. Anzu tries to rally her fellow homeless, but none of them wish to fight a losing battle. Instead, they tearfully leave her with Utako, who then leaves her to the Hayashi family, who owns Chinese restaurant "Rairaiken." Remembering her old friends and their lessons, Anzu decides to work at Rairaiken with her new family. | ||
7 | "Anzu Is a Greeter Now" Transcription: "Kanban Musume Anzu hajimemashita" (Japanese: 看板娘アンズ始めました) |
May 18, 2018 |
Anzu adjusts to the culture shock of her new home and work at the restaurant, as she keeps falling back on her habits within the homeless camp. Later, Hina is tired of getting yelled at by the teachers for sleeping in class. After talking with Nitta, Hina decides to run for Student Council President with her only goals of being allowed to sleep and eat more at school. Nitta's Oyabun finds it endearing and gets his lawyer to write Hina's speech for her, which she then repeats verbatim. Being only a first-year, Hina is chosen as Secretary instead, but she never attends a single meeting, so Hitomi is pressed into service instead. Nitta tries to invite Utako out, but she refuses to leave her bar. Later, Hina and Hitomi get Utako to reluctantly agree to a date with Nitta. However, Nitta accidentally breaks Hina's foot while celebrating. Hina tells Nitta to go on the date anyway, and then Utako rejects him, thinking that he's too attached to caring for Hina. | ||
8 | "And It's The Same Old Hina" Transcription: "Soshite Hina wa Itsumodōri" (Japanese: そしてヒナはいつも通り) |
May 25, 2018 |
Kei Ikaruga, the Security Chief of the mysterious organization, meets with Anzu in the present day to observe Hina and determine if she has improved after causing massive destruction in their original timeline. To Kei's shock, Hina passes her checklist, and Kei is dismayed to find out that Hina must be returned to her own time after doing so. One day, Hina's classmate Mami Shinjou sees Hina using her telekinesis to throw away trash, and tries to learn the secrets of using psychic powers herself. Hina humors her for a couple days, using her own powers to make Mami feel accomplished, but Mami humiliates herself when she tries to demonstrate her powers in class without Hina's help. Finally, Kei talks to Hina directly, telling her that they will travel back to their original time in three days. After struggling to tell Nitta, Hina finally tells him, and is treated to her favorite food before leaving. However, she discovers she cannot return after Nitta threw her original pod ball away. Hina returns to Nitta's apartment, only to find him in the middle of celebrating his new "freedom." | ||
9 | "Life is about Survival" Transcription: "Jinsei wa Sabaibaru" (Japanese: 人生はサバイバル) |
June 1, 2018 |
Kei decides to summon Mao from her organization to bring an extra transport pod to pick up Hina, but Mao drops on a deserted island and accidentally loses both her orb and her spare in the surf. After searching for the orbs with no luck, Mao creates puppet versions of Hina and Anzu to talk to while enjoying her time on the island. Months later, she breaks down and tosses them away, before creating a makeshift raft and sailing away. Meanwhile, Nitta tries to arrange his boss to be the next head of the family. After Hina suggests that Nitta should be the new leader, the Oyabun indulges her for a moment before Nitta steers it back to Kiyoshi. However, Sabu already texted Kiyoshi about the first part of their conversation, which leads him to bury Nitta in cement until the Oyabun himself has to clear it up. Kiyoshi awkwardly decides to name Nitta a Lieutenant while he's still buried in cement. Later, Hina asks everyone how to celebrate Nitta's promotion; however, when Nitta gets home, he discovers to his horror that what Hina has set up looks more like a funeral (his). | ||
10 | "Like a River Stream" Transcription: "Kawa no Nagare no Yōni" (Japanese: 川の流れのように) |
June 8, 2018 |
Hitomi's mother doesn't believe her when she honestly tells her about her bartending job. Utako, wanting to keep her bar's money-maker, pressures Hitomi into renting an apartment on her own, and then steers her towards various temp jobs to pay for it. The stress of so much work builds up to the point where Hitomi collapses in the doorway of her apartment. As Utako and her regulars throw a housewarming party at Hitomi's place, Hitomi invites her mother to sabotage the arrangement and help her return to a normal life, but instead, her mother is pleased that Hitomi made so many connections with various companies and approves, leaving Hitomi without an out. Meanwhile, Anzu gets 5,000 Yen from her parents in allowance. While shopping with Hitomi, Anzu settles on a shoulder massaging device for her parents, but is short of the required money, when Sabu appears and takes her to a local horse racetrack. Anzu wins the bet on her first race, but then loses her money on the rest of them. Returning home, Anzu gives her parents a personal shoulder massage instead. | ||
11 | "A Man Thirsty for Blood, Violence and Money" Transcription: "Chi to Bōryoku to Kane ni ueta Otoko" (Japanese: 血と暴力と金に餓えた男) |
June 15, 2018 |
A video journalist interviews Nitta in hopes of getting a scoop on modern-day Yakuza. Unfortunately, Nitta is a lot nicer than he expected, forcing the journalist to edit and outright fabricate parts of the interview to make Nitta seem more evil. The faked TV special embarrasses Nitta in front of his yakuza bosses. Later, while Hina is out on a ski trip with her class, Anzu stays with Nitta. After getting jealous of Anzu's upbeat attitude, Nitta tries to spoil her and drag her down to Hina's level. However, Anzu's demeanor becomes too much for Nitta, and he instead starts seeing Anzu as the perfect daughter; the streak is unfortunately ended the next day as Anzu has to return home. After she leaves, Nitta receives a call that Hina went missing in the mountains during the skiing trip. | ||
12 | "Yukimatsuri" Transcription: "Yuki Matsuri" (Japanese: 雪まつり) |
June 22, 2018 |
Hina is lost in the mountains with Hitomi and two other classmates. After building an igloo, Hina tries to prove that she can use her powers to help out, but runs out of energy after going hungry. The next morning, the group tries feeding Hina some pretend ikura sushi with snow to raise her spirits. Eventually, a rescue crew finds them after Hina uses her powers to make a giant ikura sushi sculpture out of snow. The show returns to the present three years later, where Mao is the top student at a Chinese qigong school of "Superhuman Martial Arts" while a Japanese street rocker tries to learn how to recreate Hina's "Rockusion" stunt from before. After meeting at a teahouse, Mao and the rocker both think the other person is insane. When the rocker mentions Hina's name, Mao decides to travel back to Japan with him, but the other members of the school try to stop them both. After a big fight, the Sifu of the school tries to use an unfair trial to convince her to stay, but Mao subtly uses her powers to beat it. The Sifu reluctantly allows her to leave for Japan to create more branches of the school, while Mao looks forward to meeting her colleagues from the future. |
Web Radio[]
Welcome to the radio program "Radio" Hina Matsuri "Little Song" by Kaede Hondo (role of Hitomi Mishima) and Yoko Hikasa (role of Shiko Sakura)! Was delivered at Otoizumi from April 9th to July 2nd, 2018. Updated every Monday. On July 15th of the same year, it was distributed as a frame program in "Internet Radio Station <Otoizumi> 27 Hours Nico Live Broadcast" .
- The Guests
- The third: Takako Tanaka (role of Hina)
- The fifth: Yoshiki Nakajima (role of Yoshifumi Nitta)
- The 7th: Kengo Kawanishi (sub role)
- 9th: Ari Ozawa (role of Mao)
- The tenth: Masao Ohtake (original author)
- The eleventh: Rie Murakawa (role of apricot)
- Corner
- Utako's unconvinced course!
- Eye Cocktail Quiz
- Little Song Psychic Investigator!
Hinamatsuri was nominated for the Seiun Award in the Best Comic category in 2021.
- ^ The title means "Hina Festival", referring to the heroine. Hinamatsuri is also the name of the Japanese Dolls' Festival.
- ^ All English titles are taken from Crunchyroll.
External Link[]
- Hina Matsuri Free Cartoon Details - Free Comic ComicWalker
- TV anime "Hina Matsuri" official website
- TV anime "Hina Matsuri" official (@hinamatsuri4649 ) --Twitter (November 2, 2017- [UTC notation])
- Every sweatshirt Hina wears is a word or phrase that describes a theme in the story or scene.
- Hina enjoys eating Ikura (also known as Salmon Roe or Red Caviar)
- Hina was created in a lab in the US.
- Hina, with instruction from Mao, creates a life size puppet of Nitta (the Nitta golem) to do the household work Nitta always did.
- She starts dating in high school.
- After High School, Hina goes to college to learn how to design computer games.
- Hina learns that Atsushi has all but given up on music as Central Park has broken up. She drafts Anzu and Mao into forming Central Park II to rekindle her old bandmate's passion for performing.