Daites-ryou Koubouki (ダィテス領攻防記, Offense and Defense in Daites) is a Japanese light novel series written by Makihara, Nodoka and Illustrate by hi8mugi. The light novel series was adapted into a manga series with illustrations by Kanou, Ayumi and serialized by AlphaPolis Web Manga, with 6 volumes released as of June 26, 2020.
Daites-ryou Koubouki is published digitally in English as Offense and Defense in Daites through Alpha Manga.
Ohmi Crown Prince Matisa has been ousted and ordered to go to the province of Daites and wed its young lady, Miliana. Known for its isolation, Daites serves as a place where he will never be able to rally influence—the perfect place for the banished prince.
Contrary to expectations however, Daites is secretly a booming province of wealth and innovation. The source behind this is Miliana herself, who bears memories of her past life in modern-day Japan. Using her photographic memory, she has introduced advanced technology, new forms of transportation, infrastructure, and even weaponry. While she boasts these enormous achievements, Miliana's biggest motivation is her obsession with boys' love! Being a major fujoshi, she wants to introduce BL culture into everyday life.
As she and Matisa prepare for a war on the horizon, they must both protect Daites, whose innovations may serve as a powder keg to ignite a new age of warfare, and spread the word of pure, male-male love!
List of Published Books[]
Light Novel[]
Makihara, Nodoka (Author) / hi8mugi (Illustrator), "Daites-ryou Koubouki" AlphaPolis <Regina Books>, 8 volumes already published (as of September 05, 2021)
- Volume 1. (September 30, 2013) - ISBN 9784434183539
- Volume 2. (March 31, 2014) - ISBN 978-4434190483
- Volume 3. (August 31, 2014) - ISBN 978-4434196256
- Volume 4. (February 29, 2015) - ISBN 978-4434201943
- Volume 5. (July 28, 2015) - ISBN 978-4434284120
- Volume 6. (December 26, 2015) - ISBN 978-4434207761
- Volume 7. (September 01, 2016) - ISBN 978-4434223532
- Volume 8. (June 01, 2017) - ISBN 978-4434233401
Makihara, Nodoka (Author) / hi8mugi (Character Draft) / Kanou, Ayumi (Illustrator) "Daites-ryou Koubouki" AlphaPolis <Seiunsha>, 6 volumes already published (as of July 30, 2021)
- Volume 1. (June 05, 2017) - ISBN 978-4434232114
- Volume 2. (February 01, 2018) - ISBN 978-4434240652
- Volume 3. (August 29, 2018) - ISBN 978-4434249013
- Volume 4. (April 29, 2019) - ISBN 978-4434257384
- Volume 5. (January 26, 2021) - ISBN 978-4434284120
- Volume 6. (July 30, 2021) - ISBN 978-4434291401
to be added...
External Link[]
- Daites-ryou Koubouki ─ Work information (Manga Official Website) | AlphaPolis
- Daites-ryou Koubouki ─ Wikipedia JP
See Also[]
- Akuyaku Reijou no Okaa-sama, is another manga series with the same illustrator.
- Ore Alice: Danjo Gyakuten, is another manga series with the same illustrator.
to be added.