Bocchi Jieikan no Isekai Funsenki (ぼっち自衛官の異世界奮戦記, Different World Adventures Of A Lone Japan Ground Self Defense Force Ensign) is a Japanese light novel series written by Heesokai with illustrated by Ruroo and is based on the web novel of the same name. The light novel series was adapted into a manga series with illustrations by Naoki Takamasu and serialized by Comic Boost, with 3+ volumes released as of May 11, 2021.
Takeshi Jinguji, an executive candidate of the Self-Defense Force, who had just graduated from the University of Defense, was reincarnated into a different world due to a traffic accident. The inventory had the standard equipment of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force! Jingoji Joe's self-defense officer battle action makes the fantasy world unrivaled with equipment stronger than magic!!
List of Published Books[]
Heesokai (Author) / Ruroo (Illustrator), "Bocchi Jieikan no Isekai Funsenki" Shueisha, 2 volumes already published (as of February 8, 2019).
- Released date September 10, 2018 - ISBN 978-4087040173
- Released date February 8, 2019 - ISBN 978-4087040203
Heesokai (Orignal) / Ruroo (Character draft) / Naoki Takamasu (Illustrator), "Bocchi Jieikan no Isekai Funsenki" Comic Boost <BIRZ Comics (Gentosha Comics)>, 3+ volumes already published (as of April 24, 2023).
- Released date November 24, 2021 - ISBN 978-4344849457
- Released date June 23, 2022 - ISBN 978-4344850569
- Released date April 24, 2023 - ISBN 978-4344852143
to be added.
External Link[]
- Bocchi Jieikan no Isekai Funsenki ─ Web Novel at Shōsetsuka ni Narō (in Japanese)
- Bocchi Jieikan no Isekai Funsenki ─ Official Manga Website | Comic Boost
See Also[]
- Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita, is another light novel series with the same illustrator.
to be added.