Aitakute, Shima Kousaku (逢いたくて、島耕作) is a Japanese manga series written by Koma Suwa with the cooperation of Kenshi Hirokane who illustrated the series. It is serialized in Morning (Kodansha) from issue 2023. It is an authorized spin-off work started to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the serialization of the manga series "Kosaku Shima".
A gag manga in which Generation Z job hunters in the year 2023 of the 2023 era are "reincarnated" in the 1980s in the Kosaku Shima world. According to Kodansha, Suwa is "the manga artist in Aichi Prefecture who is most familiar with Kosaku Shima and reincarnation. Suwa is a hardcore "Shimako" fan and says that "the charm of the Kosaku Shima series is the dramatic depiction of the lives of the supporting characters. Suwa has read the original many times since he was a child, and this film is full of trivia.
The main character, a person who lives in 2022, is confused by the social situation in the 1980s. Scenes like this can be seen throughout the film.
There are many discussions of the Kosaku Shima series throughout the book, and the main character coined a unique term for the Kosaku Shima world, and there are many notes outside the column on the social situation in Japan during the 1980s [original research?]. In addition, by scanning the QR code located outside the column, you can read the relevant episode of the original Kosaku Shima series in "Comic DAYS."
Published Books[]
A manga series written by Koma Suwa with the cooperation of Kenshi Hirokane who illustrated the series. It is serialized in Morning (Kodansha) from issue 15, 2023 (March 9, 2023).
Volume | Manga Vol. 1
Manga Vol. 2
Manga Vol. 3
Cover | |||
Released Date | June 22, 2023 | October 23, 2023 | January 23, 2024 |
ISBN | 978-4-06-532165-2 | 978-4-06-533536-9 | 978-4-06-533909-1 |
to be added.
External Link[]
- Aitakute, Shima Kousaku ─ Manga official website (in Japanese)
- Aitakute, Shima Kousaku Official (@tanikoutarou) - Twitter X
- Aitakute, Shima Kousaku ─ Wikipedia JP
to be added.